
St Mary's CE Primary School

School Values

Values & Ethos

We want our children to be confident, independent, have a thirst for learning and understand the enjoyment of learning.  We want our children to leave us being able to apply core skills in all areas of the curriculum.  We also want to foster self respect, respect for others and the things around them. and to care about themselves, other people and the world around them.

We aim to do this by:


Achieving the highest standards possible.

Being a learning community where all are enabled to experience success and to achieve their best.

Providing excellent teaching which is based on high expectations and imaginative planning.


  • Values

    Putting the well-being of each child at the heart of our work.

    Celebrating the rich diversity of our school community within a culture of mutual respect. enabling children to make positive and informed life choices.

  • Curriculum

    Promoting excellence in all areas of the National Curriculum.

    Mastering the key skills of literacy, numeracy and information and communication technology.

    Developing other curriculum areas so each child has the opportunity to b e recognised for particular skills.

  • Parents

    Developing a home/school partnership that is focused on the child’s learning and development.

    Ensuring supportive and positive communication links between home and school, actively involving parents and the wider community.

  • Spiritual & Christian Values

    We ensure that everybody in our school community is treated with respect and tolerance, so that everyone has hope and feels that they belong.
