
St Mary's CE Primary School


19th November 2021



Thank you for all of your donations to Children in Need on Friday. We had a fantastic time making Pudsey bear headbands, taking part in our ‘jump for Pudsey’ challenge and decorating a spotty biscuit. 




    9th November 2021


On Tuesday, Reception enjoyed a visit from Hampshire Fire and Rescue service to talk about the importance of fire safety. We learnt the moto "Get out, stay out, call 999" to help us to know what to do in an emergency and got to see the special clothing firefighters wear when they have to go and rescue someone. A huge THANK YOU to Laura the firefighter, we had so much fun!! 













Cherry Tree class and Apple Tree class would like to welcome you to our brand new page where you can find the latest news, learning and helpful hints and tips to practise at home. 


We hope you enjoy reading about all the fun we have at school, we can't wait to share it with you! 


