
St Mary's CE Primary School


Safeguarding at St Mary’s Church of England Primary School is EVERYBODY’s business


At St Mary’s COE Primary School, the safeguarding of our children is the highest priority and all staff are committed to keeping children safe.


Mr Daniel-Constable Phelps (Head Teacher) is the Lead Designated Safeguarding Lead in the School.


At St Mary’s COE Primary school, we strive to help keep children and young people physically and emotionally safe by:

  • Establishing and maintaining an environment where children feel secure, are encouraged to talk and are listened to.
  • Identifying children and young people who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm, and taking appropriate action with the aim of making sure they are kept safe both at home and in the education setting
  • Maintain an attitude of ‘’it could happen here’’ with regards to safeguarding


We work hard to create and maintain a school where staff, pupils, parents, and governors feel able to raise concerns safely knowing that effective action will be take.


At St Mary’s COE Primary school, we have developed a curriculum to support children in learning how to keep themselves safe, including online and how to share concerns if they are worried about anything. Our taught curriculum, assemblies and visitors in school teaches pupils how to stay physically and emotionally healthy and includes e safety and age appropriate Relationship and Sex education (please visit the school website to see the policy and further information about RSE in school).


Please use the links on our website to view our school policies and guidance for parents/guardians in relation to safeguarding issues. 

Purpose of our Safeguarding Policy


St Mary’s COE Primary School's safeguarding policy provides clear direction to all school stakeholders about expected practice in dealing with safeguarding issues.  It makes explicit the school’s commitment to the development of good practice and effective procedures, ensuring that safeguarding concerns and referrals are handled sensitively, professionally and in a way that supports and protects the needs of the child.


There are three main aims to our Child Protection Policy:

  • Prevention: by creating a positive school atmosphere and providing high quality teaching and pastoral support to pupils;
  • Protection: by following agreed procedures and ensuring staff are appropriately recruited, trained and supported to respond appropriately and sensitively to Child Protection concerns;
  • Support: by providing support for pupils and school staff and for children who may have been or are being abused.


All those working in education can contribute to the safeguarding and protection of the welfare of a child in need.


According to the DfE, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as:

  • protecting children from maltreatment;
  • preventing impairment of children’s health or development;
  • ensuring children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and
  • taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.


Child protection is a part of safeguarding and promoting welfare. It refers to the activity that is undertaken to protect specific children who are suffering, or are likely to suffer, significant harm.


Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility at St Mary’s COE Primary School. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all professionals should make sure their approach is child centred. This means that they should consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child.


This policy applies to all who come into contact with children at St Mary’s COE Primary School including:

  • Teachers
  • Teaching assistants
  • Administrative assistant
  • Supply teachers
  • Students
  • Midday supervisors
  • Visitors/volunteers
  • Adult helpers
  • Governors


If in doubt, any one with concerns should seek advice from the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Mr D.Constable-Phelps or contact Children’s Services directly on 023 8083 3336 



Everyone in the education service shares an objective to help keep children and young people safe by contributing to: Providing a safe environment, identifying children and young people who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm and taking appropriate action.


This quick reference guides summaries what we do at St Mary's COE Primary School to safeguard the children in our care and directs you to who to raise any concerns with if you are visiting or working in our school. 

Meet the Safeguarding Team


Safeguarding at St Mary’s Church of England Primary School is EVERYBODY’s business however we have four Designated Safeguarding Leads who share the overarching responsibility for keeping all our children safe.


Mr Daniel Constable-Phelps the Head Teacher at the school is the Lead Designated Safeguarding Lead. 


What should I do if I am worried about a child?


If it is an emergency and a child is in immediate danger, then call 999


If you have a concern about a pupil in our school, then please speak to a member of the safeguarding team. Or you can speak directly to the Southampton Children’s services information about contacting them can be found on the below link.


Southampton Safeguarding Hub contact details

Mash telephone number for members of the public: 023 8083 3336


If it is not an emergency and you think the family may just need some support than an early help referral may be more appropriate.


What is early help?

We know life can get challenging and families may benefit from some extra help to be able to help them cope with their current situation. Your family may benefit from having a professional network of support around you to help with things like their family’s health, getting into work and improving school attendance. The support we offer through our Early Help Hub is based on what each family needs and it’s totally voluntary, so it only takes place if you request the help.

The team work with the whole family, helping to identify the areas of support needed and pulling a plan together. The team contains multi-agency, skilled workers from many different services and backgrounds that can support you with a range of issues.

To find out more about Early Help or to complete a self-referral please follow the link below.  The school can also complete a referral for you if would like, simply speak to a member of staff.

Southampton Early Help self referral 

Telephone: 023 8083 3311



If you are worried about your child this leaflet looks at support available in school or other websites to support you. You can also access Mental Health Support Teams newsletters and guidance on the school website in: News and Events: Letters. This has a range of information available to you about support available in Southampton.

Southampton Safeguarding contacts and numbers:


Southampton Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

Jemma Swann
Tel: 023 8091 5535
Mobile: 07789 616092

Southampton local safeguarding board

Independent Chair: 
Tel: 023 8083 2995

MASH (Southampton’s Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub SCADS)

Tel: 023 8083 3336

Email address:

Please click the link below to see a lot of useful information regarding keeping your children safe online.