
St Mary's CE Primary School


Curriculum Vision:

At St Mary’s CE Primary School, we provide an enriched, high quality curriculum which inspires children.  Creativity is encouraged; essential skills and knowledge are taught and applied in real life contexts.  All children are central to this and viewed as lifelong learners.

Our curriculum intent is to:

  • Engage and inspire children to be the best they can be.
  • Deliver memorable experiences which in turn provides memorable learning for the children.
  • Develop a ‘can do’ attitude when children are faced with adversity.
  • Allow children to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about the world around them
  • Equip children with the knowledge and skills to experiment, investigate, invent, create and imagine.
  • Develop a mastery of skills that can be transferable enabling children to build self-confidence and creativity, which in turn fosters a sense of pride and achievement.
  • Grow curious minds by adopting a flexible approach to lesson design and structure.
  • Provide children with the tools to make meaningful, positive contributions to society.
  • Think outside of the box, whilst ensuring that skills are understood and applied in a variety of forms.
  • Make use of our own ‘backyard’ to inspire and fascinate children to develop a deeper understanding of the world1.


Together as a school community our curriculum implementation is ever evolving to ensure that we match the needs and interests of our children and use the strengths and skills of our staff. Our school curriculum “is not only the subjects on the timetable; it is the whole experience of education”2.


To find out more about the curriculum we follow please visit the DfE website (

1 Roger Cole

2 Dunford, J, 2012, New head, new school: the challenges and opportunities of starting a school, Nottingham, National College for School Leadership







